Frequent Feens:
–Michael W. Dean (BENEVOLENT DICTATOR FOR LIFE, The Iron Hamster, M-Dub, MWD)
–Jeremy Henggeler (The Bellicose Bandicoot,Beastmaster, Heisenberg, Hamburgler, Hizen N-Word, Murder Dawg, M-Dawg, the Long Island Brandisher, GET OFF MY LAWN!
–Shane Buell
-Darrell Becker (The Hawaiian HODLer)
-Kal Molinet (the Richmond Rabble Rouser)
–Phil Wormuth
–Chandler St. Pierre (The Jabbering Coon Cat)
–Randy England (The Wampus Cat)
–John Vibes (the Kratom Kid)
–Lousander Feen (The Titanium Meerkat / The Chop Shop Rooster / The Leashless Labrador, The Dear Sweet Bacon Emperor)
–Dianna Keiler (The Laughing Kitty)
Phil Wormuth (now in BipTunia with Michael Dean.)
Some others. Can’t recall.
Episode Editors: MWD, Jeremy
Retired from Feens:
Ben Stone (The Bearded Possum / The Bad Quaker)
Bill Buppert (The Silver Snow Leopard)
Neema Vedadi (The Founding Feen)
Feen behind the scene: DJ Dean (The Ferrous Ferret)
Torrent master: Sean DuVally
Steve, MWD and Jeremy (hosts) +
J. P. Briody
Crazy Rich
Computer programmer: Derrick Slopey
Founding Feen MWD:
24/7 Feen: MICHAEL W. DEAN
Michael W. Dean was a handful at a very young age. He tested extremely high on aptitude tests, but was asked to leave his public school due to his very vocal dislike of authority figures. (Examples here, here, here, here and here.) He was later kicked out of the private all-boys Church Farm School for calling the headmaster names. Michael flunked out of Jamestown Community College because he skipped too many classes “so I could go to the library and actually learn something.” Michael went on to direct the documentary films D.I.Y. Or Die: How To Survive as an Independent Artist and Hubert Selby Jr: It’ll Be Better Tomorrow (Narrated by Robert Downey, Jr.), the art DVD Living Through Steve Diet Goedde and Gun Training With The Non-aggression Principle, Vol 1: Basic Handgun and Rifle with Jared Waltz. Michael is the author of the books $30 Film School, $30 Music School, $30 Writing School, Starving in the Company of Beautiful Women, The Simple Pleasures of a Complex Girl, and DIY NOW! Digital Audio. Michael played guitar in the early 80s hardcore punk band The Beef People. He sang and played bass in Baby Opaque and Bomb (Warner Brothers). He sang in the hardcore punk band Right Arm of Wyoming. He lives and works at Intergalactic Prairie Studios in Wyoming.
His latest written work is the libertarian self-help/time management book, A User’s Manual for the Human Experience. Michael W. Dean was a featured director and speaker at the 2005 Deauville Film Festival in France, and has toured Europe and America lecturing at colleges, museums and youth centers. He was a featured speaker at the Podcast and New Media Expo. Dean has been interviewed by NPR, BBC radio, and featured on NBC, VH1, and in Variety Magazine. Michael contributed to O’Reilly Media’s Digital Video Hacks book, edited O’Reilly’s DV Filmmaking: From Start to Finish by Ian Aronson, and wrote “MAKE a Mailbox Movie” in MAKE Magazine Volume 3. He co-authored (with Alan Lastufka) a book for O’Reilly called YouTube: An Insider’s Guide to Climbing the Charts. Michael stays up late, sleeps in late, and works at home as a writer and filmmaker. In 2009, he and his wife and cats moved from Los Angeles to Wyoming “to get away from it all.”
Check out Michael’s new free high-quality VoIP software for radio and podcasting, FeenPhone.
Feen behind the scene: DEBRA JEAN DEAN
Michael’s wife, Debra Jean Dean, a.k.a. DJ, is “The Feen behind the scene.” She does the sultry voiceover on our commercials, parody commercials, in the movie, and for the show intros and outros. She occasionally helps with ideas, writing and editing. DJ is a paralegal by day. Both Debra and Michael have the same high IQ, 143, and are both Geminis. Though neither put much credence in IQ tests and even less credence in astrology.
NEEMA VEDADI (Co-founding Feen with MWD)
Neema Vedadi is a former television journalist and independent media producer. He won the Wyoming Association of Broadcasters award for Best News Piece in 2010 and now lives and works in Texas. He quit working for the mainstream media “to pursue honest work” because he was “sick of being a mouthpiece for the horizontal enforcement of The Man.”
Guns and Weed: The Road to Freedom, the documentary Neema co-produced with Michael W. Dean has been screened worldwide and has DVD distribution from MVD Visual. Neema is also a libertarian hip-hop artist. His anthem “I Own Me” has received over 25,000 views. In his free time he enjoys relaxing with his wife Jessica and their two “fur-children”: an orange cat named Phlocken and a one-eyed Alaskan Malamute named Yukon. Neema hopes to one day raise a family in the Texas hill country. He’s currently working on a new hip-hop album.
Together Michael and Neema created the libertarian documentary film Guns and Weed: The Road to Freedom. DJ narrated the movie.
All of Michael’s books, films and music.