“Even Drones Can Fly Away” – Albums 69, 70, and 71 by BipTunia. LISTEN FREE.

Even Drones Can Fly Away by BipTunia RUN TIME: 186 Minutes RELEASE DATE: May 26, 2022 All instruments, songs, and production: Michael W. Dean Buy or listen free on BandCamp Listen on Spotify (coming soon) FLAC lossless torrent (coming soon) Album cover photo by Michael…

“Drone Home Alone – 3 Hours of Glorious Audio Entheogens” Albums 66, 67, and 68 by BipTunia. LISTEN FREE.

Drone Home Alone – 3 Hours of Glorious Audio Entheogens by BipTunia RUN TIME: 190 Minutes RELEASE DATE: May 14, 2022 All instruments, songs, and production: Michael W. Dean Buy or listen on BandCamp Listen on Spotify (coming soon) FLAC lossless torrent (coming soon) The…

“Long Drones Bending Slow Sometimes with a Beat”, album 64 and 65 by BipTunia. LISTEN FREE.

Long Drones Bending Slow Sometimes with a Beat by BipTunia RUN TIME: 96 minutes. RELEASE DATE: May 3, 2022 All instruments, songs, and production: Michael W. Dean Listen on Spotify (coming soon) BandCamp FLAC lossless torrent The album it one long song, divided up into…

“Drum Machines Have No Baggage”, album 63 by BipTunia. LISTEN FREE.

Drum Machines Have No Baggage by BipTunia RUN TIME: 92 minutes. RELEASE DATE: May 2, 2022 Listen on SPOTIFY (coming soon) BandCamp FLAC lossless torrent (coming soon) Get pastable BipTunia street art, PDF download 1. The Battle in the Innermoist Chamber of the Drum Machine…

“BARELY MUSIC”, album 62 by BipTunia. LISTEN FREE.

    1. Collect Call from the Interzone 2. Meowness be a Lady Tonight 3. Newness Overwriting the Old 4. The Last Pumpkin Outta Alpha Centauri 5. Unnamed Arpology 6. Your Odyssey 7. A Sample of Things to Come 8. Bass on Base on Three…

New BipTunia prog hard rock song (w/ Joe Guitarski)

New guitar-tastic song called “Truth Table on the 1975 Logic Gate” from the upcoming 60th BipTunia album, Music for Sewers. It’s sort of inspired by “21st Century Schizoid Man” by King Crimson, and partially inspired by “Tales of the Topographic Ocean” by Yes. But it’s…

“Y’ALL FORGOT TO PAY THE REALITY BILL” – The 57th, 58th, and 59th albums by BipTunia. LISTEN FREE.

(playlist) (coming today) “Y’ALL FORGOT TO PAY THE REALITY BILL” – The 57th, 58th, and 59th albums by BipTunia. Run time: 1 hour + 59 minutes. Release Date: April 16, 2021 All compositions, instruments, engineering, mastering, and album cover by Michael W. Dean. Thank you…

“MACHINE ELVES STOLE YOUR LUNCH MONEY” – The 55th and 56th albums by BipTunia. LISTEN FREE.

SONG PLAYER: 1. Critters Resounding 2. Machine Elves Stole Your Lunch Money 3. Room 668 4. How to Compound Your Eye 5. The Fish Speaks 6. That Groovy Retro Cold War Beat 7. Mosin Nougat 8. Variable Software Frequencies 9. A Song to Whistle While…

Part 1 of 2 of Jan 2021 interview with Michael Dean about his old band Bomb, and the remastered version of 1988’s “Hits of Acid” album coming out this week.

Long-time hardcore Bomb fan Jordan Wesley asks Michael Dean from Bomb a bunch of questions. This is the first half. Second half comes out later this week. And the album remastered by Jack Endino comes out in a day or two. Above pic of Michael…

“LOUDER THAN LIMINAL” – The 53rd and 54th album by BipTunia. LISTEN FREE.

“LOUDER THAN LIMINAL” – The 53rd and 54th albums by BipTunia. Run time: 82 minutes. Release Date: December 30, 2020 All compositions, instruments, engineering, mastering, and album cover by Michael W. Dean The cat is fine. He’s yawning. 1. Frequency Band Circumstellar Disk-Shaped Worms 2….

“THE MOON IS LIGHT POLLUTION” – Albums 51 and 52 by BipTunia. Download free.

Release date: Dec 11, 2020 Run time: 1 hour, 59 minutes. All instruments Michael W. Dean. TRACK LIST: 1. Achin’ for an Arpen 2. All I Want for Christmas is More Free VSTs 3. Chicks Dig Me 4. Waking Up on the Steps of Tomorrow…

“ONE FOR THE BARN CATS” – 50th album by BipTunia. Listen free

Release date: November 26, 2020 Run time: 112 minutes. All instruments Michael W. Dean. This is the 49th and 50th album by BipTunia. It is all instrumental. Notes and info PDF.(coming soon) Track list: 1. Life at the South Pole 2. He Works at the…

“TRANCE HARD ROCK” – the 48th album by BipTunia. Listen free

(song player coming soon) Release date: November 15, 2020 Run time: 78 minutes. Track list: Inverted Synapses 4 2084 at the Squid Hydrogen Bar Kicking Adrenochrome Messing Up the Adrenochrome Search Results Small Crepuscular Desert Mammals Adult-Onset Aspergers Chime the Clouds Moon of a Micromoon…

The 45th, 46th, and 47th albums from BipTunia (triple album)

Title: Structured Experimental Dark Fun Symphonic Electronic Hard Rock Space Pop                   Release date: Oct 16, 2020. Run time: 155 minutes. Track Listing: Kicking Dope in a Redondo Condo The Power of Very Large Prime Numbers Your…

BipTunia’s 44th album, “DEREALIZATION” – listen free

“Derealization is an alteration in the perception or experience of the external world so that it seems unreal.”1 Release date: May 8, 2020 Run time: 79 minutes. Lyric sheet and liner notes (PDF) TRACK LISTING: 1. BDSMQRSTUV 2. 20,000 Cats 3. Alternative Hypothesis Concerning Panspermia…

Michael W. Dean’s DSLR photos on new Instagram and Flickr

I’ve finally got a halfway decent camera and started taking photos. I’m really enjoying it a lot. If you wanna see / sub, they are here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/153895602@N06/ and here: https://www.instagram.com/intergalacticprairiestudio/ -Worms. Michael W. Dean